About PCI P2PE Certification
With a PCI Point-to-Point Encryption Solution (P2PE), cardholder data is protected. You can also save time and money on your overall PCI DSS (PCI Data Security Standard) compliance efforts. Now that’s a win-win.
About PCI Point-to-Point Encryption Solutions
A PCI P2PE Solution cryptographically protects account data from the point where a merchant accepts the payment card to the secure point of decryption. By using P2PE, account data is unreadable until it reaches the secure decryption environment, making it less valuable if the data is stolen in a breach. A PCI P2PE Solution can significantly help merchants reduce the PCI DSS validation effort of their cardholder data environment.
About the PCI Security Standards Council
The PCI Security Standards Council leads a global, cross-industry effort to increase payment security by providing industry-driven, flexible and effective data security standards and programs that help businesses detect, mitigate and prevent cyberattacks and breaches.
PCI P2PE Certified

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